Events and What we do
The Toodyay Friends of the River (TFOR), a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation, consists of a band of local Toodyay community volunteers, and some who travel up from Perth. Our main task is to look after and improve the health of the Swan/Avon River,and to raise awareness of the issues facing the River.
Our core group meets on a regular monthly basis - usually the second Sunday and Monday of the month - to undertake tasks allocated during our annual planning day. These include tree planting, removing large weeds, collecting dumped rubbish, surveys, river monitoring and maintaining pathways.
Other activities include administration, grant-writing, collating survey results, etc. The TFOR also undertake roadside litter collection to demonstrate the pride we have in our town.
Above: Members removing castor oil plants behind Toodyay townsite
Photo by Wayne Clarke