Our Projects

Embark on a journey of discovery with our diverse range of projects conducted around the enchanting Avon River. From revitalising wetlands to enhancing wildlife habitats, our initiatives aim to protect and preserve this vital ecosystem while engaging the community in meaningful conservation efforts. 

Lloyd Reserve

Lloyd Reserve

Lloyd Reserve is a 16ha reserve developed and managed by TFOR, found on the banks of the Avon River along the Bilya Walk Track. Promoting remnant biodiversity, a natural habitat, education and enjoyment for present and future generations are the aims of this vital project.

Bilya Walk Track

Bilya Walk Track

In the past it was difficult to walk along the riverbank but an opportunity for a 6 km walk track along the Avon south riverbank from the Nardie Pioneer Cemetery to the Toodyay town presented itself to the TFOR group and the enchanting Bilya Walk Track was born.

Pelham Brook Outlet Restoration Project

Pelham Brook Outlet Restoration Project

To improve the health of the Pelham Brook outlet, TFOR has tackled weed infestation and in 2021 a Wheatbelt NRM grant helped fund a major restoration project.

Boyagerring Brook

Boyagerring Brook

Projects along the Brook including: revegetation; installation Bat boxes; eradication of weeds; installation of crossings and culverts; sealing and fencing; earthworks for fire mitigation; installation of a picnic tables and signage; educational purposes; recreational purposes including walking tracks and parkrun.

Other Projects

Other Projects

TFOR have embarked on a diverse range of projects conducted around the enchanting Avon River in the Toodyay Shire including walking trails, revegetation and monitoring.