Other Projects

TFOR have embarked on a diverse range of projects conducted around the enchanting Avon River in the Toodyay Shire. 

Walking Trails

The TFOR has a major (and most ambitious) project underway, which is the commencement of the Toodyay Walk Tracks.

The walk tracks are envisaged to reach Northam and beyond in the east, and down through the Avon Gorge to suburban Perth in the west. That is the future.

Walking trails (current and future):

Trail walkers following the West Toodyay Wander trail

Walkers on the West Toodyay Wander trail.

Revegetation Projects

  • Millards Pool


Downstream effects -Algal Bloom Millards Pool
Downstream effects -Algal Bloom, Millards Pool.
Revegetation plot, Millards Pool
Revegetation plot, Millards Pool, August 2018.
Revegetation plot, Millards Pool
Revegetation plot, Millards Pool, March 2020.