Moondyne Festival



The Toodyay Friends of the River Inc. (TFOR) received the 'RIVER RATS - LIVING STREAMS AWARD' at the 2009 State Landcare Awards, joining a distinguished group of individuals with a river-care ethos. Not one to spend time chasing awards, the TFOR are busy working for the environment, particularly that of the Avon River. However the River Rats Award was well-earned, and recognised the on-ground activity that the TFOR are renowned for. Seed Orchard

TFOR provided considerable support for the Toodyay Tidy Towns Committee (TTTC) in their quest for the coveted Keep Australia Beautiful awards in the 2014 Tidy Towns - Sustainable Communities Awards. Toodyay was the overall State winner, and then went on to win the National Title in Tasmania early 2015. Well done Toodyay!


In the 2022 Community Citizen of the Year Awards, the Toodyay Friends of the River received the Active Citizenship Award (for Community Groups).

The Friends need to give themselves a 'pat on the back'. Over the years the TFOR have contributed an enormous amount of time and energy on projects that vary from the recent Pelham Brook Outlet Project to the Bilya Walk Track and revegetation projects along the Avon River, along with Harper, Boyagerring and Toodyay Brooks.
The Toodyay Seed Group is a sub-committee of TFOR; they provide seedlings for projects across the Shire and administer and provide seedlings to the Toodyay Native Tree and Understorey Scheme that provides Toodyay landholders with local native plants for revegetation projects and gardens within the Shire.

TFOR Award

Above: President Dr. Robyn Taylor accepting the 2022 Australia Day Award from Shire President Cr. Rosemary Madacsi.
Photo:GaryWalton/Colour Splash Media

Well Done TFOR!