River Recovery Plans
In February 1999, the Water and Rivers Commission and the Avon River Management Authority jointly published the first of a
series of River Recovery Plans for the Avon River. For ease of management, the river was divided into 18 sections spanning approximately 191 kilometres.
The first launched was section 3 in Toodyay, covering the area from Deepdale Road to the Goomalling Road (Connor) Bridge. The other Toodyay sections (1, 2 and
4) have since been published, as with all of the other 18 sections of the river.
Each section was developed in a cooperative venture between the agency and a community reference group from within the area of the section.
These constitute quite a unique series of publications, as there would be few major rivers in the world having management plans developed with such a strong
community involvement.
To view the River Recovery Plans, click on the links below that will take you directly to the reports on the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
(DWER) website.
RRP7 Avon Gorge and Deepdale Valley Sections
1 and 2
RRP1 Toodyay Section 3
RRP8 Northam to Toodyay Sections 4 & 5
RRP2 Northam Section 6
RR13 River Recovery Plans for the Lower Avon (incorporating a foreshore and channel assessment) (downstream from Section 1)
WRM 22 Foreshore and Channel Assessment of
Toodyay Brook
WRM 48 Foreshore and Channel Assessment of
Jimperding Brook
View all sections of the river, from Northam through to
Brookton, and other Recovery Plans.
Management of the Avon River is through the
Avon River Management Programme