Toodyay Friends of the River logo Moondyne Festival

'Friends' of the Toodyay Friends of the River (TFOR)

Apart from our sponsors, TFOR has many other friends in the region.

They include other rivercare groups, like the Avon Valley Environmental Society, the River Conservation Society, Friends of the Dale River, and the Talbot Brook Land Management Society.
A major partnership with interested groups in the region is through 'Conserving the Avon River Environment' (CARE).

Closer to home, they have a great relationship with the Toodyay Naturalists' Club, the Toodyay Historical Society, with the Shire of Toodyay and many local businesses.

Further afield, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) (originally the Water and Rivers commission/Department of Water) was a major partner from inception of the TFOR. Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management is a major partner, providing funding for our projects and assistance in a number of ways, including printing of our newsletter 'Biddip'.

If you or your organisation wishes to develop a partnership, or you would like to help out with one of our projects, financially or otherwise please drop us an email today.