River Health
River Water Level Monitoring
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation have kindly given us permission to utilise their River Level monitoring site where you can view the latest River Levels across the State.To make it easier for you, the Avon River starts at SITE 615024
Jimperding Brook Monitoring Project Report.
A report prepared for the Toodyay Land Conservation District Committee, September 2002, by Lyn Bloom & Simon Judd of Edith Cowan University, and Wayne Clarke of Toodyay.
River Crossings
There are a number of river crossings (fords) that are maintained in the Toodyay Shire, starting with Sinclair's Crossing (near the Dumbarton Road Bridge) through to Middle Station Crossing in the Avon Valley National Park. A complete list of crossings is being prepared.
Above: Sinclair Crossing, Dumbarton following the March storm event 2021 (Photo: Wayne Clarke).