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Seed Orchard

The Toodyay Seed Orchard Group is a subcommittee of the Toodyay Friends of the River.


-To establish seed orchard sites within and around Toodyay to enable seed to be collected for rehabilitation purposes, and to reduce the need for seed to be collected from reserves and road sides

-To administer the Toodyay Native Tree and Understorey Scheme, and to provide Toodyay landholders with local native plants for revegetation projects and gardens within the Shire.

The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the community shadehouse, situated in Railway Road.

Activities include shadehouse maintenance, seed collecting and propagation, and work at one of our seed orchard sites. Volunteers are welcome at any time. Anyone joining the group will automatically become a member of Toodyay Friends of the River.

Download a copy of the 'Toodyay Native Tree and Understorey Scheme' application form

Above: The new Seed Orchard at the Community Depot

Eucalypts of the Wheatbelt

Western Australia's Wheatbelt has some remarkable eucalypts (or gum trees). Eight of the most widely planted ornamental gums in the eastern states are all from our own Wheatbelt. But how many of the 159 species are commonly planted in the Wheatbelt, or even WA? Not too many! We plant mainly eastern states trees instead.
Malcolm French is a rural real estate sales manager with over 31 years practice. He has conducted over 2,350 farm auctions with sales in the billions of dollars.
But there is another side to Malcolm. During his spare time Malcolm has been a volunteer with the WA Herbarium, with a special interest in eucalypts. Malcolm has published three books on eucalypts, The Eucalypts of the Mudgee district (NSW) - co-authored with Dean Nicolle; and his own publications 'The Special Eucalypts of Perth and the South West' and the 'Eucalypts of WA's Wheatbelt'.
You can find out more about the latter publication, including an identification key. You can also purchase this fantastic field guide through the website. Malcolm has also prepared a species list in PDF format for planting in the wheatbelt region.

For more details on the Seed Orchard Group consult the Toodyay Herald, or contact: Bethan Lloyd on email Seed Orchard Administrator
Or email the Seed Orchard

The Toodyay Friends of the River meets on a regular monthly basis - usually the second Sunday and Monday of the month - to undertake tasks allocated during our annual planning day. These include tree planting, removing large weeds, collecting dumped rubbish, surveys, river monitoring and maintaining the Bilya Track.

Updated 16th September 2023