Toodyay Friends of the River logo Moondyne Festival


The Bilya Walk Track is Open

Management Committee

These are our Committee Members for 2023-2024


Check out our 2024 Calendar


To celebrate the Toodyay Friends of the River '30TH ANNIVERSARY'and the completion of the WEST TOODYAY WANDER a barbecue was held on Sunday 26th May 2024. CLICK TO SEE DETAILS.
Below: The three founding members (left to right), Bob Frayne, Desrae and Wayne Clarke cutting the cake, overseen by Patron Viv Read, who suggested the formation of TFOR.

Cake cutting

Photo: Jennifer Donegan


TFOR President, Jennifer White, cuts the 'ribbon of leaves' to open the West Toodyay Wander. Left in the photo can be seen Greg Warburton, Project Officer for TFOR, who developed the track route and installed much of the track hardware.

Latest Biddip Newsletter


After sixteen years as Editor Desrae Clarke has stepped aside to allow for a younger member of the Friends - Nikkola Palmer - to take over.
This is Nikki's first edition in that new role and she needs to be congratulated on the new style, maintaining the quality of the publication we have grown to expect.
View the April 2024 Biddip (1.42MB). This is the Friends newsletter, published three times a year.

The list of articles published from 1999 to December 2023 is updated regularly.

Coming Events

September Working Bees

Sunday 8 September, 9 am - Meet at carpark front of school. Bring gloves and pruner or saw
We will be burning the olive tree waste created by the students, injecting a large pepper tree and cutting another smaller olive tree down.
For further details please email Bethan Lloyd

September 11 working bee.
Meet at Drummond House. The group will be working in the garden at Drummond House and cleaning and tidying up the outside of the building. Please bring gloves and hand tools with you.


TFOR helping with the Toodyay District High School’s Landcare unit
TFOR is supporting the TDHS Year 9 Landcare unit, and Bethan Lloyd is helping each week with their practical component. They are focussing on an area of Boyagerring Brook from the pedestrian crossing up to the boundary of Foggathorpe. So far the students have:
started salinity monitoring at 3 locations; set up a camera trap; started monitoring the growth and survival at the the revegetation site; worked on native plant and weed identification; looked at weed control methods and set up a solarisation site, and; started pressing a collection of weeds and native plants.

Photographic competition

With the river flowing, and the Avon Descent pending, now is the perfect time to get your cameras out and take photos for the photographic competition which is being held as part of the Toodyay Agricultural Show.

Dates for your diaries

Saturday 9 November and Saturday 7 December
Please make sure you have marked two very important dates in the TFOR calendar in your diaries. The AGM and the Planning meeting for 2025 is on Saturday, 9 November in the morning. Our final celebration of our 30th year is a breakfast on 7 December.

Wheatbelt NRM Newsletters

Wheatbelt NRM is the sponsor of our Biddip Newsletter. They also produce a regular Newsletter you can view on line (including back issues)

The Toodyay Naturalist' Club (TNC) has produced a comemorative book titled A guide to exploring Toodyay... naturally. Available from the club for $27 plus P&P. Email their Secretary for details.


Updated 23rd August 2024