Toodyay Friends of the River logo Moondyne Festival

Avon River Management

The darker blue line from Section 20 (lower right of the map) downstream through Beverley, York, Northam and Toodyay to Section 1/2 (upper left of the map) is the main channel of the river.
The numbers in the boxes (e.g. Sections 1 & 2, - 3, 4 & 5, 6, etc) relate to the River Recovery Plans , found under River Management.
The Yilgarn River originates from Lake Seabrook and Lake Deborah, north-east of Southern Cross. The Lockhart River originates at Lake Magenta, south of Newdegate. After the confluence (junction) of these two rivers (at Caroline Gap, just south of Kellerberrin - top right on the map) it becomes the Salt River, which in turn enters a chain of lakes (the Yenyening Lakes). These enter the Avon River north of Boyagarra Pool, at the Qualandary Crossing, east of Beverley. The catchment flowing into the Avon at this point is 91,000 square kilometres.

river map of the Swan River

Monitoring Overview

River Vegetation

Birds & Wildlife

Weeds & Feral Animals

River Health

Page updated 15th May 2020